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Harry Cobden: Winning the Champion Jockey title is every jockey’s dream

Planet Sport ambassador and Champion Jockey Harry Cobden wraps up the National Hunt season on Saturday afternoon at Sandown, hopefully with a bottle of champagne.

It’s obviously been an amazing season and I've done enough to win the Champion Jockey title.

It’s been incredibly busy and it will end up being the most rides I’ve ever had in a season which is what you need to do in order to win it.

It’s been very different to how I usually go through a season, but I’ve really enjoyed it and I’ve built up some great partnerships with lots of different trainers and owners.

I’ve made some great contacts and I’m hugely grateful for them for supporting me throughout.

I’m not sure if I’ll give it another go, but I certainly won’t go back to doing what I was doing.

I used to cherry-pick the horses I rode, with the majority being for Paul Nicholls, but I’ve made so many good connections this season that I think I’d be silly to turn that away in the future.

It’s hard enough to get rides let alone turn them down, so I’ll see how we’re looking and if it’s doable then I don’t see why I won’t give it another crack.

May will be very busy and then the summer months will likely be much quieter before we get rocking and rolling in October.

It will depend how many I’m behind Sean Bowen at the start of October, but if I’m within a realistic touching distance then it might just be worth a shout.

Riding lower-graded horses has certainly made me a better jockey. You have to ride them differently to the Graded horses because you have to be tactically more astute as they are harder to win with.

It’s done me a lot of good and I think you deal with owners and trainers better too.

I’m very proud of myself for how the season has gone. It’s every jockey’s dream to win the Champion Jockey title and it’s something you always want on the CV when you retire.

You don’t really get to think about what it would mean during the season as you’re so busy, but come Saturday evening I’ll hopefully be able to have a few drinks to celebrate!




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